146 research outputs found

    Avaliação digital como aprendizagem

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    A crescente utilização da internet e das TIC em contexto educativo tem levado a repensar o papel/função da avaliação das aprendizagens dos alunos, em especial em ambiente online. Com este trabalho, pretende-se apresentar uma reflexão sobre a avaliação digital enquanto estratégia de ensino e de aprendizagem, numa perspetiva de ‘avaliação para a aprendizagem’ e de ‘avaliação como aprendizagem’. Neste sentido, no que diz respeito ao ambiente online, relevam-se pressupostos organizacionais e funcionais que podem condicionar ou potenciar o sucesso do processo de ensino/aprendizagem/avaliação, nomeadamente ao nível das competências transversais prévias dos alunos e da integração da tecnologia no currículo

    The promotion of digital inclusion through MOOC design and use: a literature review

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    The use of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is being increasingly equated as a viable option by several educational shareholders in the scope of many scientific areas; nevertheless, research as to its potentialities in terms of digital (and consequently social) inclusion is still sparse and somehow atomised. Thus, this paper aims at putting forward the results of a thorough literature review focussed on the studies that bring together the concepts of MOOC and digital inclusion, published between January 2014 and January 2015. Thus, the main goal was to find out if there is evidence that MOOCS can be an important means for embracing digital inclusion, in particular, by promoting the development of soft skills (e.g., digital skills, communication skills, interaction skills). First and because the concept is becoming more and more polysemic (due to its manifold uses, theoretical frameworks, and application contexts), the MOOC’s main facets are depicted, considering its derivatives (e.g., cMOOC and xMOOC). Moreover, some critical aspects that stand out from the content analysis of the results of the literature review are also highlighted, namely as to: accessibility, employability and lifelong learning promoted through MOOC use. In general, results suggest that there is still a long way to go for MOOCs to fully address the digital inclusion challenge

    Investigação e inovação em TIC aplicadas à educação nas comunidades educativas de Portugal: O papel das Universidades

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    Válido também para CIDTFF - artigosNo contexto actual, assiste-se a uma utilização crescente das Tecnologias de Comunicação (TC) nos mais diversos contextos educativos. No entanto, em termos de investigação, esta é uma área que, em Portugal, tem vindo a ser trabalhada de forma demasiado dispersa. Consequentemente, foi desenhado um projecto de investigação com o qual se pretende caracterizar as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) portuguesas em relação à adopção e utilização de TC. Consequentemente, pretende-se criar e implementar uma ferramenta digital dinâmica – o Mapping Tool –, a qual permitirá recolher e congregar dados com vista a uma descrição do estado da arte em relação ao uso das TC nas várias IES, assim como a actualização dos próprios dados. No presente estudo, apresenta-se, assim, uma análise de um estudo preliminar desenvolvido por dois elementos do projecto acima referido, em especial no que se refere i) à distribuição geográfica das IES portuguesas, ii) à adopção, a nível institucional, de plataformas de eLearning com fins educativos e iii) à oferta de cursos que conferem grau académico em regime de eLearning e/ou bLearning

    Is multilingualism seen as added-value in bibliodiversity? A literature review focussed on business and research contexts

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    Given the growing need to strengthen the bonds between the business tissue and research, the purpose of this study is synthetizing evidence in the literature as to i) the dynamics of knowledge-sharing and communication within linguistically diverse business and research networks and ii) the role of multilingualism within bibliodiversity in scientific publishing, in order to boost business development. Nowadays, the role of language in research practice tends to be secondary, since there seems to be a tacit assumption that English is widely accepted as language of communication. Besides, it tends to be promoted in (inter)national and European research and innovation policies–mainly written in English and with no reference to language use or multilingualism. The same happens in business context, in which, given the increasing need for internationalisation, as well as labour pooling and poaching, the use of English as lingua franca seems to be inevitable. In fact, in both contexts, there is a need for a common international means of communication and of general information disclosure, but the use of mother tongue seems to be more effective for in-depth understanding, and knowledge co-creation and sharing. The results of the content analysis and interpretation allowed for the definition of categories in the scope of: i) Englishisation and balanced multilingualism, ii) organisational language policies, and iii) added-value of language diversity.publishe

    Virtual Mobility and Learning for PhD students of six European Countries: students’ programme evaluation

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    In this paper, the authors, as teachers of the Virtual Mobility and Learning ERASMUS Intensive Programme (VML–IP), put forward an analysis of the student’s final evaluation of the Programme as to the most important competences they have developed. In terms of methodology, this study has an exploratory and descriptive nature; hence, being based on empiric evidence. Thus, in the last face-to-face session, students were asked by the Programme’s coordination to present an overall evaluation of their experience in the VML–IP. Data were collected in loco, i.e. through the posters created by each group, as well as the video of the students’ oral presentations. They were later analysed using content analysis as data analysis technique. The results unveil that, although the main goal was fulfilled – i.e. to be able to design and implement a course on a ‘Virtual Mobility and Learning’ topic underpinned by solid theoretical background in the area –, the fact is that every group also pointed out several soft competences as a very important part of their experiences, and crucial for their development as students and future professionals

    Marketing Pessoal e storytelling nas aulas de Inglês Aplicado ao Turismo: relatos da sala de aula

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    Today, the pervasiveness of technology in everyday interactions is mirrored by the pressing need to establish strong personal brands, that can be customized and projected across multiple digital platforms. As recruiters canvass social networks looking for prospective candidates, having a distinct and consistent personal brand is decisive in standing out, particularly in highly competitive global industries, such as tourism. As part of a high-in-demand, service-centred industry that relies heavily on multinational and adaptable teams, tourism professionals are increasingly required to be effective and creative communicators, who can not only interact with guests and stakeholders but also project a positive image of their employer. Based on these premises, this paper describes a strategy designed to develop tourism students' personal branding skills through the use of digital storytelling techniques and the production of video-based personal pitches. Framed by a theoretical rationale and an entry questionnaire, this strategy is currently being implemented in an English for Specific Purposes course, involving multiple workshops and a critical viewing session that will ultimately help tourism and hospitality students create professional pitches that are aligned with the industry's current recruitment trends.publishe

    Multilingualism within Scholarly Communication in SSH. A literature review

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    It is undeniable that scholarly publication is boosted nowadays by the use of the English language, but this does not (and cannot) mean that the other languages have to be obliterated as scientific and cultural agents, equally valid and indispensable. Therefore, multilingualism is an expression of bibliodiversity that has to be protected and cherished, particularly in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), a field in which culturally and societally relevant studies are made in local languages, when approaching areas such as cultural heritage, education, migration, public administration. The main goal of this paper is to present a literature review in order to identify the main aspects influencing language selection and the use of multilingualism within scholarly communication, allowing for putting forward recommendations for future initiatives aiming at enhancing multilingualism, particularly in connection with the opportunities deriving from Open Science.It is undeniable that scholarly publication is boosted nowadays by the use of the English language, but this does not (and cannot) mean that the other languages have to be obliterated as scientific and cultural agents, equally valid and indispensable. Therefore, multilingualism is an expression of bibliodiversity that has to be protected and cherished, particularly in the area of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), a field in which culturally and societally relevant studies are made in local languages, when approaching areas such as cultural heritage, education, migration, public administration. The main goal of this paper is to present a literature review in order to identify the main aspects influencing language selection and the use of multilingualism within scholarly communication, allowing for putting forward recommendations for future initiatives aiming at enhancing multilingualism, particularly in connection with the opportunities deriving from Open Science. 

    O uso de recursos educacionais abertos no ensino superior: potencialidade, desafio e oportunidade

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    Mundialmente, o Ensino Superior tem sido impelido a uma lógica de ‘abertura’, nomeadamente, através da disponibilização de publicações em acesso livre, de percursos de educação aberta e a distância, e de práticas pedagógicas sustentadas em recursos educacionais dinâmicos, abrangentes e adequados à evolução tecnológica. Insere-se neste cenário o uso e criação de recursos educacionais, livres em termos de acesso, transformação e partilha, designados por Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA). Considerado parceiro estratégico no movimento REA, o Ensino Superior constitui um terreno prioritário de atuação e investigação neste âmbito, subsistindo, contudo, desafios transversalmente prioritários, tais como, a sensibilização para o tema, a criação e fortalecimento de redes colaborativas, a capacitação de atores e o reforço da investigação. A literatura salienta a necessidade de expandir o uso destes recursos no Ensino Superior, no plano institucional e educativo, acompanhando e capacitando os seus agentes numa perspetiva holístico-processual, e de conhecer, em profundidade, tais processos, numa lógica de transformação das práticas educacionais vigentes em práticas educacionais abertas. No presente artigo serão identificados a problemática, principais objetivos, caraterísticas, ações e opções metodológicas a concretizar numa investigação, em curso no âmbito do nosso projeto de doutoramento, na Universidade de Aveiro,materializado num estudo de caso múltiplo, a decorrer em dois contextos lusófonos – Portugal e Moçambique - norteado a pela seguinte geral de investigação: “Como se caracteriza o uso de Recursos Educacionais Abertos em instituições do Ensino Superior português e moçambicano, e que modelo(s) colaborativo(s) será(ão) adequado(s) para a sua promoção e adoção, a nível institucional e educativo?”.Globally, Higher Education has been impelled to “openness”, namely, by open access publishing, by strengthening open and distance learning pathways, and by supporting pedagogical practices resorting to educational resources that are dynamic, holistic and technologically up-to-date. Such scenario includes the use and creation of free resources concerning access, transformation and sharing – Open Educational Resources (OER). Regarded as a strategic partner in the OER movement, Higher Education is a priority field of action and research. Nevertheless, transversal challenges remain unaddressed, such as, awareness raising around OER, creation and strengthening of collaborative networks, capacity development and research. Literature underlines the need of expanding the institutional and pedagogical use of OER in Higher Education, supporting their agents within a comprehensive vision, as well as the need of developing an in-depth knowledge of such process, aiming to transform current educational practices in open educational practices The paper will identify the rationale, main objectives, features, actions and methodological options behind a research study in our doctoral project, currently under development in the University of Aveiro, materialized in multi-case study, in two contexts – Portugal and Mozambique – oriented by the following main research question “How is OER being used in Portuguese and Mozambican higher education institutions and what collaborative model(s) can be adequate to its promotion and adoption, at an institutional and educational level?”

    Oficinas de Didática do Latim: uma proposta para a formação contínua de professores

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    Ao longo das últimas décadas, tem-se assistido a uma progressiva e acentuada redução da presença do Latim nos curricula, particularmente marcada no caso português. Todavia, nos últimos tempos verifica-se, pelo contrário, um salutar esforço para reintroduzir, de forma paulatina, as línguas e culturas clássicas no sistema educativo português, reconhecendo assim o papel essencial que representam na educação cultural e cívica dos jovens. Consequentemente, sentiu-se a necessidade de equacionar soluções de formação para apoiar os docentes que assumiram ou poderão vir a assumir este desafio a curto prazo. Foi neste contexto que se desenharam e implementaram as Oficinas de Didática do Latim, com as quais se pretendeu dar um contributo para ajudar a suprir a falta de oferta de formação específica, a nível nacional, na área da Cultura e Línguas Clássicas. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se a forma como se estruturou e operacionalizou esta proposta de formação numa modalidade de e-learning, sendo que a elevada participação/interação indicia que foi oportuna, pelo que deve ter continuidade

    Oficinas de Didática de Latim: uma proposta para a formação contínua de professores

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    Ao longo das últimas décadas, tem-se assistido a uma progressiva e acentuada redução da presença do Latim nos curricula, particularmente marcada no caso português. Todavia, nos últimos tempos verifica-se, pelo contrário, um salutar esforço para reintroduzir, de forma paulatina, as línguas e culturas clássicas no sistema educativo português, reconhecendo assim o papel essencial que representam na educação cultural e cívica dos jovens. Consequentemente, sentiu-se a necessidade de equacionar soluções de formação para apoiar os docentes que assumiram ou poderão vir a assumir este desafio a curto prazo. Foi neste contexto que se desenharam e implementaram as Oficinas de Didática do Latim, com as quais se pretendeu dar um contributo para ajudar a suprir a falta de oferta de formação específica, a nível nacional, na área da Cultura e Línguas Clássicas. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se a forma como se estruturou e operacionalizou esta proposta de formação numa modalidade de e-learning, sendo que a elevada participação/interação indicia que foi oportuna, pelo que deve ter continuidade